Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo

Silverpicker Digest Issue #52

Together with:

A lot can happen in a year.

You can learn a new language, your investments can compound, a President can change…and you can send out a full 52 editions of the Silverpicker Digest.

But without my loyal subscribers, these emails would go undigested, my ego uninflated, and my silver unpicked.

So, as the great Albert Einstein once said, upon receiving coffee at a diner: Thank you! 

This week, a rare exploration of Buffalo Nickels in the wild.

Take a look.

P.S. If you’re wondering about the seemingly incoherent subject line, here’s some context.

Silverpicker Recommends

Ready for the Big Leagues? Invest with Augusta

There’s more than one way to jump on the precious metals bandwagon. For me, the best way to secure your future with precious metals is through Augusta. Their IRAs takee care of everything you need to diversify your portfolio with gold - you just need to get on the phone with them.

How much can Buffalo Nickels be worth?

Well, as the wise trailblazer in this video will tell you - A LOT.

Check it out:

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Seamless, easy process. We will send you a pre-paid shipping label, package your stuff, send it and we will send you a detailed, itemized offer and payment! Send an email to [email protected] if interested!

Invest with Augusta Precious Metals: Start with a zero-fee IRA today.